Sabar Aart Farmer Enterprise (SAFE) producer company limited was incorporated on 24/11/2015 with the support of VIKSAT at Khedbrahma block of Sabarkantha district, Gujarat.The FPO registered under company act 2013 with the registration no -U01132GJ2015PTC085164.
The FPC is promoted by VIKSAT. SAFE (Sabar AART Farmer Enterprise) Producer Company Ltd. is a registered Farmer Producer Organisation (FPO) comprising of 3463 women farmer members belonging to tribal communities from 53 villages spread across Sabarkantha and Banaskantha districts. The company operates with a vision of providing quality farm produce to its consumers along with providing a sustainable and dignified livelihood to the small and marginal farmers.
The company is collectively owned by its farmer members and run by a motivated cohort of professionals. Hence, the business for the company has a greater purpose of upliftment of the small and marginal farmers from the tribal communities and hence, has a greater impact on the community.
- To make producer and consumer life safe and happy.
- The Vision of the company is to enhance income of tribal framers through introduction of improved agriculture practices providing accessible, affordable and quality services on time.
- To provide quality products at affordable rates to producer and consumer
Our produce is directly sourced from the farmers through the FPO collection centers which ensures freshness as well as quality control of the produce.
All our products are lab tested and certified as residue-free which contributes towards a healthy lifestyle for our consumers.